What is it?

 The Bike Shed Times is Australia’s brightest on-line motorcycle magazine.
We bring you a mix of content, ranging from new bikes to profile pieces on some of the people who help make motorcycling such a great way to spend time. We write stories about anything we find interesting: Road bikes, dirt bikes, race bikes, old bikes, new bikes, middle-aged bikes, bike events … everything is fair game. The Bike Shed Times sources content from across Australia and around the world.

How it works

You can enjoy our work for free, no questions asked — but it helps us if you support our advertisers, especially if you tell them you saw their advert on The Bike Shed Times. It also helps if you Like us on Facebook. (Visit us here.)

Who do we blame?

The Bike Shed Times was created by Peter Terlick, a long-time motorcyclist and former newspaper, radio, and TV journalist. Peter is so old he even wrote for Trail & Track magazine. On a typewriter. He grew up on XR Hondas and twin shock RM Suzukis and, over the years, has ridden two-up across Australia, raced motocross, enduro and speedway, and even blasted around Perth’s Barbagallo Raceway on a Ducati 600 Pantah. (Slowly, it must be said.) He spins his own spanners, too, most of the time. His shed has seen a lot of bikes come and go through the years. It’s currently home to a Ducati 996, a Buell Firebolt, a BMW K1200s, and a project 1972 Triumph 650 Bonneville that hasn’t run in 20 years.

Sell your bike

The Bike Shed Times can help you sell your special bike. We regularly attract more than 10,000 website hits per month from more than 15,000 readers. Learn more here.

Staying in touch

If you Like us on Facebook you’ll get a notification whenever we post a new story. Or you can Subscribe (there’s a button over to the right, and up a bit) and we’ll send you an occasional email to tell you what we’ve been up to.



You can email the Editor at pterlick@bikeshedtimes.com. Advertising queries should go to advertising@bikeshedtimes.com.


Talk to us

We love getting feedback. Tell us what we’re doing right, what we’re doing wrong, and what you think we should do more. Or less. And if you’re looking to buy a particular special bike, tell us that too. We’ll keep an eye out for you.
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Peter Terlick